Monday, April 7, 2008

Horace Mann.

Horace mann was poor coming up. His favorite place was the library. He was born and raised in Franklin Massachusetts. He spent his child hood working and doing hard labor when he was not at school. His young mind had so many great ideas. T the age of twenty he started going to brown university and graduated in 3 years. He became the school librarian and studied law. He later joined the Massachusetts house of representative's. Horace Mann did many great things in his life. he was devoted to education for children. When he was a child he went to school were every one was in one class a really old style school. When he grew up he became the board of education in 1837. That was a high position so he could make lots of changes. He wanted to raise taxes for better teachers, buildings and public schools. He wanted to children to become someone, and have a real career. He was tired of seeing bad children that were doing bad things. He believed public schools would keep them from doing bad things. he held conferences and spoke out to people so this could happen. He also wanted one school district for the state and that what we do now. He was the one who first proposed the idea to separate classes depending on learning level. He work hard to make sure kids went to school.


Mr. Shaddox said...

Please see the directions on the blog. You need to revise this to meet the requirements.

Mr. Shaddox

Mr. Shaddox said...

journal entry
newspaper article

Give us details! Look up more information about Horace Mann.

I'm checking it maƱana.
Mr. Shaddox

Mr. Shaddox said...

Here are some links for further resources:

Mr. Shaddox said...


I'm still waiting for this revision to happen.